Dreamy December: Final Update

As we’re coming up to the New Year, Dreamy December is coming to an end as well! Look forward to the final update of this month on Wednesday! The Elder Berry: The Thankless Flower will be out next week, where it explores the origin of the bars name!

Dreamy December: Update

I’ve gotten ahead on several projects and with the new schedule that means it’s easier to plot out when editing needs to be done. Over the next week I’m making edits and reworking chapters. Since not all projects are fully worked out ahead of time, occasionally I’ve edited the existing chapters posted to make everythingContinue reading “Dreamy December: Update”

NEW Schedule Updates!!

Okay!! So to keep posting consistent, rather than having two update days a month, I’m going to have four: The 1st – Ursula of the 5th Perception The 7th – Anomalous (Today!!!) The 14th – Ursula of the 5th Perception The 21st – The Four As always, The Elder Berry is sporadically updates with aContinue reading “NEW Schedule Updates!!”

Dreamy December is Underway!

The Dark Magician Part 3 and Ursula’s Prologue have been posted!! I decided to hold off on Chapter One of Anomalous until the 7th, I think I’m going to change it so there’s an update on 1, 7, 14, and 21 of each month instead of 1 and 15. I think this’ll help me evenContinue reading “Dreamy December is Underway!”

The Elder Berry: The King’s Men

Starving. I am starving. “Hey, Merle,” I jabbed his side and pointed to the tavern across the way, “We’ve been on patrol all morning, let’s stop for a bite to eat, eh?” Usually I wouldn’t take a break this early in the afternoon, but we’d been patrolling the Lesser End. The denizens here wouldn’t approachContinue reading “The Elder Berry: The King’s Men”